New London Architecture

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Andy Stanton

Senior Principal, Head of Sustainability, UK & Europe

Introba UK

Andy Stanton
Andy Stanton, Senior Principal leading the UK and Europe sustainability team at Introba, the deep green engineers.

Andy specialises in developing and implementing ESG strategies and projects for sustainability and environmental performance in buildings. He is a building services engineer, Passivhaus Designer, sustainability, and energy efficiency specialist in the built environment with a track record in radically improving the performance of new and existing buildings. 

His experience in the commercial and residential sectors has included diverse renewable energy schemes, from fuel cell CHP to solar photovoltaics on heritage buildings, helping to develop London’s energy performance contracting framework for retrofitting buildings. 

Andy is also an asset management and safety specialist trained in Lean Six Sigma and championed a reliable engineering, data-driven approach to construction and building operation and performance. He has worked in the public and private sectors in the UK and France, sat on the board of the Better Buildings Partnership, and was a guest lecturer at City University London for ten years while contributing to various technical publications for Low Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI), CIBSE, and BBP on sustainability and energy efficiency and is a member of the LETI Taskforce.

Andy Stanton