New London Architecture

The impact of NLA Expert Panels cannot be overstated. Collaborating across all 15 Panels and with our New London Sounding Board, each panellist plays a crucial role in shaping the New London Agenda.

In 2023, NLA Expert Panels actively engaged in the GLA's Planning for London Programme, offering insights into the New London Agenda and contributing to an impending review of the London Plan. Watch the video for a glimpse of this collaborative effort. This fourth cycle in 2024 introduces two new panels focused on Retrofit & Conservation and Culture. All 15 Panels will continue developing the New London Agenda, actively engaging with the new Mayor of London and continuing to champion London!
Panels are formed of 12-15 individuals, representing the public and private sectors across development, design, planning and construction in London, and providing a unique voice to comment on the key issues facing the capital. Members are invited to commit to joining the Panel for one year. Panels meet 3-4 times a year, setting out key lines of enquiry which shape our forward agendas and inform our year-round programmes. Reports from each meeting are shared with NLA members and the broader network, alongside a selection of contributions and viewpoints from Panel members.

View the Expert Panel White Papers


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