New London Architecture

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Ben Derbyshire


HTA Design LLP

Ben Derbyshire Sounding board member
Ben is Chair of HTA Design LLP, a leading multidisciplinary design practice specialising in housing and placemaking where his role also involves marketing and the internal design review process.

He is a Commissioner of Historic England. He serves on the London Advisory Committee, High Streets Heritage Action Zone Board and chair of the Historic Places Panel.
Ben is President of the London Forum of Amenity and Civic Societies. Other current roles include membership of New London Architecture’s New London Sounding Board and of the NHBC Council. 
He was President of RIBA from 2017 – 2019 where he oversaw fundamental change in the financing and governance of the institute and the instigation of policies in relation to climate action, professional competence and codes of conduct


Latest contributions

Viable City: the costs of urban density

09 May 2023

Viable City: the costs of urban density

At the New London Leaders Dinner, Ben Derbyshire of HTA presented a five-minute provocation: How we make a coordinated transition to a post-carbon city that is sustainable and fair.

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50 of the best - Benjamin Derbyshire

05 April 2022

50 of the best - Benjamin Derbyshire

Benjamin Derbyshire heralds diversity and the multicultural society as the best thing about London.

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Ben Derbyshire Sounding board member