New London Architecture

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Carla Smyth

Interim Head of Design

London Legacy Development Corporation

Carla Smyth
Carla is an experienced client, regeneration professional, with a focus on urban design, masterplanning, housing and public realm. Her strategic thinking is complimented by a detailed technical knowledge and a deep commitment to creating high-quality places for all. 

Carla is interim Head of Design at London Legacy Development Corporation, overseeing the delivery of significant new homes and infrastructure across 8 neighbourhoods. She led the masterplan design of the new local centre at Pudding Mill Lane and Bridgewater for 1500 new homes and 2,000 new jobs. Prior to joining the public-sector Carla worked as an architect, at practices including Maccreanor Lavington, Allies and Morrison and Sergison Bates. She sits on the Design Review Panels for London Boroughs of Havering and Newham. 

NLA Expert Panel member for the Housing programme #NLAHousing

Carla Smyth