New London Architecture

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Chris Williamson


WW+P Architects

Chris Williamson Expert panel member
Chris Williamson is a Founder Partner of Weston Williamson + Partners formed in 1985 and now has 150+ architects and urban designers specialising in city shaping transport infrastructure projects and associated development. Chris’s experience includes London Bridge Jubilee Line Station, the Docklands Light Railway and East London Line, the Crossrail Stations at Paddington and Woolwich and the Metro in Melbourne Australia. Chris has worked on transport projects in Malaysia, Singapore, India and Indonesia. Last year Chris initiated the first of an annual survey on commuter satisfaction in 10 Global cities to research attitudes and preferences to improve design and delivery and to create better more civilised cities.

NLA Expert Panel member for the Transport & Infrastructure programme #NLATransport

Latest contributions

Sculpture in the City

09 October 2023

Sculpture in the City

Chris Williamson, Chair at Weston Williamson + Partners reflects on this year's Sculpture in the City, the annual urban sculpture park set in the heart of London’s insurance district.

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Chris Williamson Expert panel member