New London Architecture

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Dan Tassell

Associate Director

Haworth Tompkins

Dan Tassell
Dan joined Haworth Tompkins in 2007 and has become one of our leading designers on education sector projects. He has delivered strategic masterplans for some of the UK’s leading institutions, including the Royal College of Art, Kingston University, Queen Mary UoL and the V&A. He has worked on the delivery of three new buildings at the RCA’s Battersea Campus, a major retrofit and extension for the Warburg Institute, University of London, and a range of projects for Kingston University including the BREEAM Award-winning retrofit of Kingston School of Art. 

In recent years Dan has been working with universities on their decarbonisation goals, and believes architects are well placed to deliver transformational change across campuses to meet these goals, while at the same time delivering a step change in the quality of learning spaces.

Latest contributions

Education Expert Panel

Education & Health

18 May 2023

Education Expert Panel

Three key themes emerged from the first Education Expert Panel meeting and after exploring these in more detail, Dan Tassell from Haworth Tompkins reflects.

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Dan Tassell