New London Architecture

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Iain Simmons

Assistant Director (City Transportation) - Department of the Built Environment

City of London Corporation

Iain Simmons
Iain Simmons is the Assistant Director (City Transportation) at the City of London Corporation.  He is responsible for road danger reduction, behaviour change, transport strategy & monitoring, development planning, major projects and network performance.  
Iain is a Member of both the Institution of Civil Engineers (MICE) and the  Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (MIHT). He has served on professional and institutional committees and was the Chairman of the Local Government Technical Advisers Group 1 (LoTAG) for many years. He was appointed to the Mayor of London’s Roads Task Force in 2013. 
Having worked at the ‘City’ for over 30 years, Iain has been responsible for the transformation of the City’s transportation and street environment. Delivering what are now called Healthy Streets, Iain has led the award winning changes to Cheapside, Holborn Circus, Aldgate and has just overseen the dramatic change at Bank Junction.

Iain Simmons