New London Architecture

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Jane Custance

Director of Planning and Development

London Borough of Newham

Jane Custance
Jane is currently the Director of Planning and Development at the London Borough of Newham. This Olympic borough has some of the most exciting schemes in London, from the Royal Docks Enterprise Zone to the regeneration of Beckton Riverside.

Newham is currently working on a refresh of its Local Plan which will take in approximately 60% of the current LLDC area. Jane has significant experience of delivering good quality development and successful regeneration as well as leading large teams across council services.

Latest contributions

Borough Briefing: Waltham Forest

London Boroughs

02 August 2021

Borough Briefing: Waltham Forest

With its economic recovery action plan, Waltham Forest Council will help to re-open the borough and support businesses and high streets to do so safely. This webinar looked at a key moment in the his...

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Jane Custance