New London Architecture

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Kerstin Kane

Principal Planning Officer, Sustainability

City of London Corporation

Kerstin Kane
My background is in town planning and urban design. In Hamburg, Germany, I worked as a planning consultant focussing on embedding good urban design and sustainability principles into planning policy and development management as the awareness of the need to adapt to and mitigate climate change grew in Germany 25 years ago.
In London, up to a few years ago, sustainability played a minor part in the planning process, predominantly as a consultee in London planning policy teams. As a planning officer (Design & Conservation) both in the City of London as well as in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, I adopted Sustainability as one of the topics to be discussed as part of design negotiations with developers to ensure that principles of both climate change adaptation and mitigation are integrated into the design of development from the beginning of the planning process.
My current role as Sustainability Officer in the City of London was created following the increasing awareness of the climate emergency among the City of London’s communities and members. To address the climate emergency in the planning process, I am leading on the development of planning advice for developers to carry out Whole Lifecycle Carbon Optioneering, as well as creating the Sustainable City SPD. I am also heavily involved in negotiations with applicants to strive for best in class development for net zero carbon emissions and climate resilience.

Kerstin Kane