New London Architecture

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Louise Duggan

Head of Regeneration

Greater London Authority

Louise Duggan Sounding board member
Louise is responsible for the definition of GLA investment strategies, area based regeneration projects and design quality management, through the development and delivery of projects and programmes, consistent with the priorities of the Mayor. 
Louise has extensive experience in regeneration, economic development and public sector innovation. Her track record is all about helping deliver complex projects, and programmes, which promote economic and civic growth. 
As North West Area Manager, Louise led the Mayor’s £75m+ flagship Good Growth Fund, expanding  the range of organisations supported to deliver affordable workspace, welcoming community facilities, improved cultural assets and public spaces. 

Latest contributions

Local London: building resilient neighbourhoods – Report launch

City Dialogues

02 December 2021

Local London: building resilient neighbourhoods – Report launch

Experts look at how we can strengthen London’s polycentricity and ultimately its resilience to future crises.

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Louise Duggan Sounding board member