New London Architecture

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Martina Pacifici, PhD.

Senior Associate, Sustainability Lead

ADAM Architecture

Martina Pacifici, PhD.
Martina is the Sustainability Lead at ADAM Architecture, a leading architectural practice specialising in traditional architecture and urban design. Her goal is to guide the practice in delivering the most sustainable designs by improving the energy performance of buildings and reducing their carbon footprint. Martina has expertise in building and urban dynamic energy modelling, thermal comfort, data-driven environmental design, and sustainability consultancy. 

Martina studied Architectural Engineering at "Sapienza" University of Rome and earned her Doctorate degree in Civil and Urban Construction Engineering at "USP" University of São Paulo, Brazil. Her doctoral thesis focused on the energy and environmental performance of the built environment, from the building scale to the urban scale. Her research addressed the interdependencies between urban morphology, building energy performance, and urban climate. Martina is a certified BREEAM Advisory Professional and Passivhaus Design/Consultant. She also serves as a reviewer for science journals, including Sustainable Cities and Society.

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Martina Pacifici, PhD.