New London Architecture

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Nabeel Khan

Strategic Director

London Borough of Lambeth

Nabeel Khan Sounding board member
Nabeel works for the London Borough of Lambeth heading up the sustainable growth directorate.  A graduate of Warwick Business School, he has considerable experience working with senior policy makers and politicians across a range of urban development policy areas in the public sector.  In his current role, Nabeel is responsible for building a strong and collaborative relationship between industry, academia, all tiers of government and local stakeholders around a set of ambitious shared objectives to foster inclusive economic growth, reduce inequality and work towards achieving Net Zero by 2030.   
He is a Non-Executive Director at Be First, where he advises on the creation of an economic development strategy and how best to maximise the opportunity of some of the new cultural infrastructure in the pipeline, including London’s largest new film and TV studios for 25 years. 

Nabeel Khan Sounding board member