New London Architecture

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Nigel Clark

Technical Director

Hilson Moran

Nigel Clark Expert panel member
Nigel Clark is Technical Director at Hilson Moran and has been involved in the design and construction of buildings for over 40 years.
His early career was in the public sector, designing large scale Educational, Leisure, and Court Buildings. At Hilson Moran, he has been involved in major schemes for both developers and end users, including some of the most iconic tall buildings across the UK. He has also been involved with developing ground breaking engineering concepts for the Stadia to be used for the Qatar 2022 World Cup.
He has considerable experience applying advanced software tools to inform the design including the application of low & zero carbon solutions, façade design solutions for optimum comfort, occupant wellbeing and building performance.  He is also an advocate for BIM to revolutionise the way buildings are designed, constructed and operated.
He regularly provides advice on all aspects of the design of buildings in the UK, Europe and the Middle East and is passionate in mentoring young professionals.

NLA Expert Panellist for Technical Competency Alumni 2021

Nigel Clark Expert panel member