New London Architecture

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Olivia Jackson


HLM Architects

Olivia Jackson
Olivia is Head of Regeneration at HLM Architects. Working predominantly with Local Councils and Public sector organisations, Olivia is focussed on delivering innovative solutions which make asset portfolios deliver value for community and client. 

Having worked with Local Authorities from across the country, Olivia has tackled many different scales of projects – predominantly focussing on town centre regeneration and is also the co-founder of the#bettertownsconsortium. Olivia has a wide portfolio of sector experience covering; culture, workplace, leisure, heritage and masterplanning projects many of which are multifunctional–catering to a wide variety of users and functions to future proof and enliven the town centers of tomorrow.

Latest contributions

Towards an age-inclusive city


13 May 2024

Towards an age-inclusive city

From planning for play to delivering 15-minute cities, this NLA webinar explores the challenges and opportunities of creating an equitable, age-inclusive city.

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Olivia Jackson