New London Architecture

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Rae Whittow-Williams

Principal Project Officer, Regeneration and Economic Development

Greater London Authority

Rae Whittow-Williams
Rae is a qualified architect and Principal Project Officer for the GLA’s Regeneration and Economic Development team, where she manages the Mayor’s investment in regeneration projects in North East London and leads the commissioning quality pillar of the Mayor’s Good Growth by Design programme.
From 2018-2020 she led the Good Growth by Design inquiry that culminated in the launch of the ‘Making London Child-Friendly: Designing places and streets for children and young people’ guidance. The report sets out how we can think differently about the built environment and its effect on how young people develop and behave and is a key piece of evidence that will inform future Supplementary Planning Guidance on play and recreation.

Latest contributions

Participation and planning: the benefits of engaging with young people

Enabling Communities

26 August 2021

Participation and planning: the benefits of engaging with young people

Explore the exemplar approaches and participatory projects that have been informed by young people.

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Rae Whittow-Williams