New London Architecture

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Sarah Cary

Chief Development Officer

Imperial College London (White City Campus)

Sarah Cary Sounding board member
Sarah leads the development and asset management of a new mixed-use 22-acre campus in White City which blends academic, commercial and residential activity around a new community park. She was previously Executive Director for Place at Enfield Council where she was responsible for services such as waste collection, street cleaning, property management, and planning while also leading Enfield’s longer-term development plans including 4 major housing-led regeneration projects and Meridian Water. Sarah has a PhD in town planning and was previously at British Land, where she worked in the development team before becoming Head of Sustainable Places. 

Latest contributions

Tour de Enfield

London Boroughs

16 May 2023

Tour de Enfield

Sarah Cary, Director of Housing Regeneration and Development at LB Enfield, takes Peter Murray on a tour of the borough talking to amazing people delivering social change and positive change

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Sarah Cary Sounding board member