New London Architecture

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Sarah Yates


New London Architecture

Sarah Yates
Sarah Yates is currently Research and Events Manager at Future of London and was formerly Researcher at New London Architecture and author for NLA of Great Estates: Models for Modern Placemaking. She studied art and architectural history at Leeds University and then did an MA in Curating Contemporary Design at Kingston University, where she focused on curating architecture outside of the museum environment. 

Sarah has worked as a freelance curator, editor, researcher and programme manager for several heritage and built environment organisations including English Heritage and Open-City, as well as NLA and Future of London. At NLA she co-authored the first edition of Great Estates in 2013, and several major research reports such as Knowledge Networks: London and the Ox-Cam Arc and The Changing Face of London.

Sarah is also an accredited member of the City of Westminster Guide Lecturers’ Association (Westminster Guides).

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Great spaces, great places, Powered by PechaKucha

Great Estates

25 March 2024

Great spaces, great places, Powered by PechaKucha

Watch back on our latest Pecha Kucha, spotlighting the Great Estates: Models for Modern Placemaking publication on the planning, design and management of London’s Great Estates.

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Great Estates: Models for Modern Placemaking


Great Estates: Models for Modern Placemaking

By bringing together many of the capital's original and newer great estates, the second edition - produced after a decade after the first - tells an enduring story of evolving development. Providing a comprehensive picture of London's estates, we set out for the future what can be drawn from the most successful principle of placemaking.

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Sarah Yates