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Simon McWhirter

Director of Communications, Policy & Places

UK Green Building Council

Simon McWhirter
Simon McWhirter leads UKGBC’s policy and political advocacy with national, devolved and local government, as well as managing corporate communications with members, media and the wider industry. He also has oversight of UKGBC’s portfolio of place-based projects, local English networks and UKGBC Scotland. Aligned to all this, Simon sits on a variety of fora including the UK’s Green Construction Board’s Steering Group, the Scottish Government’s Green Heat Finance Task Force, and the West Midlands Combined Authority’s Future Homes Taskforce. 
Over the last 25 years Simon has held a wide range of roles spanning across the construction, finance and not-for-profit sectors. He joined UKGBC from the Active Building Centre, where he was Head of Engagement. Previous roles include seven years as Sales Director at the innovative housebuilder HAB Housing, and five years at global conservation charity WWF, where he drove their work on the sustainable homes agenda – during this time he sat on the UK government's 2016 Zero Carbon Task Force and Wales’ Low and Zero Carbon Hub.

Simon McWhirter