New London Architecture

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Yara Machnouk

Environmental Design Engineer

Introba UK

Yara Machnouk
Yara Machnouk is an Environmental Design Engineer working in the sustainability team at Introba UK. While generally exploring all forms of sustainability within building services and design, she has more recently been focusing on whole life carbon assessments and more specifically, the embodied carbon impact of MEP materials. She will be speaking about the greatest impacts of materials in building construction and highlight guidance on early decision making.

Latest contributions

Technical Briefing: TM65 Embodied carbon in building services


29 November 2024

Technical Briefing: TM65 Embodied carbon in building services

Following the release of CIBSE TM65 Embodied carbon of building services, learn from Introba as they address the importance of considering the whole life carbon of projects.

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NextGen Sounding Board


05 December 2022

NextGen Sounding Board

Yara Machnouk, Elementa Consulting, reflects on the last NextGen Sounding Board session of the year, discussing critical topics that must be highlighted when planning the future of London.

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Sustainable materials – a pathway to zero carbon

Net Zero

28 May 2021

Sustainable materials – a pathway to zero carbon

What are the most sustainable materials that can be adopted in our buildings to lower carbon emissions? In this webinar we heard from built environment professionals that show best practice in the use...

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Yara Machnouk