As part of the Build Back Better series, experts present their ideas on the return to work
What will offices of the future look like and how do we ensure we’re building the stock that meetings changing behaviours?
This event invites concepts for mixed-use flexible buildings that encourage new ways of workings; reimagining user behaviours in spaces, from home, to work and the journey in-between. How do we want to work? How do we build spaces to reflect our changing attitudes? How do we create building stock that is flexible and resilient enough to respond to any future crises?
This Pecha Kucha will hear industry experts on their concepts, ideas and proposals for reworking the traditional office space.
Build Back Better is an NLA initiative set up in response to the current crisis, inviting industry experts to put forward their vision for the city’s unknown future, looking beyond the restrictions of our current situation. The series has looked at active travel, high streets, and the health and wellbeing of London’s citizens.