New London Architecture

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Home working – impact on air pollution and climate emissions


Friday 29 January 2021
08:30 - 09:30

With the escalating need for action to reduce emissions, both carbon and air pollution, the majority of employees now working from home full-time poses a concern for many businesses:
  • How do they account for the increased emissions associated to working practices as a result of home-working even as their office emissions profile reduces? 
  • How do they meet CSR responsibilities by influencing the reduction of emissions from home-working?
A panel of representatives from across the Square Mile and other contributors will be exploring these questions.

City of London, City Air, Cheapside Business Alliance and Nomura have created a Working from Home Top Tips to reduce carbon emissions.. View them here

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Speaker biographies

Benjamin O’Connor

Director, New London Architecture

Gary Fuller

MRC Centre for Environment and Health, Imperial College London

Sarah Mukherjee


Keith Bottomley

Vice Chairman of Policy and Chairman of the Port Health and Environment Committee, City of London Corporation

Kate Finnis

Membership Manager, Heart of the City

James Ross

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Executive, Buzzacott

Claire Dumontier-Marriage

BID Manager, Cheapside Business Alliance

Net Zero


Programme Champions

London & Partners

In association with

City of London Corporation
City Air
Cheapside Business Alliance

CPD Accreditation

CPD Accreditation Logo


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