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Housing Innovation, Powered by PechaKucha


Wednesday 25 October 2023
18:30 - 20:30

Following the NLA Report ‘Housing Londoners: innovation in delivery and design’, this PechaKucha showcases how industry leaders are innovating to deliver quality homes for Londoners.
The NLA report, ‘Housing Londoners: innovation in delivery and design’, investigates scalable solutions to the housing challenge in the capital. How are built environment professionals testing boundaries in the housing sector and innovating to deliver houses that centre quality of life and local benefit for London’s communities?
Industry leaders are taking steps to innovate across all scales and types of housing, developing retrofit guidance for homeowners, delivering Build to Rent schemes, and using Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) as a model for urban housing standardisation. Innovations to diversify London’s housing stock and accommodate intergenerational, student, and co-living are also delivering a greater variety of products for Londoners.
Experiments with a range of funding models, including Community Land Trusts and Joint Ventures are providing a more affordable housing offer for some Londoners, while community engagement strategies are benefitting both existing residents and new occupiers.
Through a range of exemplar case-studies, this Pecha Kucha will showcase how industry leaders are delivering a range of typologies and products, innovating to elevate the housing offer for Londoners.
The format, Pecha Kucha (ペチャクチャ), was devised in Tokyo in 2003 by the English architect Mark Dytham and has turned into a massive global celebration of design, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of "chit chat", it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. The format makes presentations concise, keeps things moving at a rapid pace and holds its audience. 

This content is only available to NLA members.

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Speaker biographies

Grace Simmonds

Head of Learning & Engagement, NLA

James Felstead

Director, Child Graddon Lewis

Jonny Marfleet

Associate, Morris+Company

Alice Hawkins

Senior Planner, Turley

Olivia Smith

Project Architect, Levitt Bernstein

Oliver Bulleid

Executive Director, London CLT




The London Centre, 
3 Aldermanbury, 

Access Information

There are 4 steps to the main entrance, with a level access entrance via the Guildhall West Wing 30 seconds away. There are toilets and accessible toilets via stairs or a lift to the lower ground floor. If you would like more information, or have any access requirements, please let us know what these are and how we can best accommodate these by emailing

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