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London Living: flats v houses


Tuesday 26 March 2024
18:30 - 20:30

In London's housing market, an intense debate rages on - should Londoners continue their obsession with owning a traditional house, or embrace apartment living?
In the heart of London's housing market, an intense debate rages on - should Londoners continue their age-old obsession with owning a traditional house with a garden, or embrace the growing trend of collective apartment living? This thought-provoking debate, London living: flats v houses explores the intricacies of urban living in one of the world's most populous cities.

Join us as experts, homeowners, architects, and urban planners engage in a lively discussion about the pros and cons of both options. Are single-family houses with their spacious gardens still a symbol of status and stability, or do they come with unsustainable ecological footprints and social disparities? On the other hand, does apartment living offer a more sustainable and community-oriented lifestyle, or does it sacrifice the dream of a house and garden?

From issues of affordability, environmental sustainability, to fostering a sense of community, this debate will delve deep into the heart of London's housing dilemma. Whether you're a homeowner, a renter, or simply a concerned Londoner, this debate will shed light on the ever-evolving housing landscape of the city. We’ll discuss conventional housing norms and reimagine what it means to live in London today.


Arrivals and refreshments
Welcome from Chair
Federico Ortiz, Head of Content, NLA
For Flats
Jo Bacon, Partner, Allies and Morrison 
For Houses
Andrew Beharrell, Senior Advisor, Pollard Thomas Edwards
For Flats
Chris Dancer, Senior Design Manager, Populo Living
For Houses
Jo McCafferty, Director, Levitt Bernstein
Panel discussion
Audience comments and Q&A
Drinks and networking 

Speaker biographies

Jo McCafferty

Director, Levitt Bernstein

Jo Bacon

Partner, Allies and Morrison

Andrew Beharrell

Senior Advisor, Pollard Thomas Edwards

Chris Dancer

Senior Design Manager, Populo Living

Federico Ortiz

Head of Programme, NLA




The London Centre
3 Aldermanbury


There are 4 steps to the main entrance, with a level access entrance via the Guildhall West Wing approximately 200 feet away. There are toilets and accessible toilets via stairs or a lift to the lower ground floor. If you would like more information, or have any access requirements, please let us know what these are and how we can best accommodate these by emailing


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