New London Architecture

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NextGen Speed Mentoring Evening


Wednesday 26 October 2022
18:30 - 20:30

NLA speed mentoring evenings provide a rare opportunity to meet with established professionals working across the industry – come armed with questions about projects, challenges you’re currently facing or your career progression.
This event forms a key part of the NLA NextGen programme, dedicated to supporting the next generations' career progression and promoting emerging talent from across the built environment.
You’ll have the opportunity to meet with mentors from a cross-sector of the built environment throughout the evening, and there will be ample opportunity for networking. 
Spaces are limited so please book fast to secure a place. Demand is high and we, therefore, ask you to let us know should you be unable to make it on the evening. We will be keeping a waitlist and those who are first on the waitlist will be very welcome to join us for a drink on the evening to see if any spaces open up.


18:30     Registration and networking
18:50     Welcome from NLA and Gardiner & Theobold 
                 Grace Simmonds, Head of Learning & Engagement, NLA
                 Eva Aftab, Partner, Gardiner & Theobold 
19:00    Session begins  
                Four mentoring sessions of 15-minutes
20:30     Close

Speaker biographies

Grace Simmonds

Head of Learning & Engagement, NLA

Eva Aftab

Partner, Gardiner & Theobald LLP

Linda Thiel

Director of London Studio, White Arkitekter

Ben Adams

Founding Director, Ben Adams Architects

Valentina Galmozzi

Director, AKT II

Susan Mantle

Director, Heyne Tillett Steel

Sebastian Wood

Managing Director and Co-Founder, Whitby Wood

John Robertson

Director, John Robertson Architects

Athina Stylianidi

Associate, Jestico + Whiles

Graham Hurrell

Commercial Strategy Manager, Hydro Building Systems UK

Gerard Casey

Data Scientist, Arup

Chris Benn

Partner, Gardiner & Theobald LLP

Mark Lythaby

Partner, Gardiner & Theobald LLP

Rose Marshall

Associate Director, ING Media

Thomas Bender

Associate, Montagu Evans

Angela Reed

Head of Strategic Relations, Heart of London Business Alliance

Darius Umrigar

Science & Higher Education Director, NBBJ

Nathalie Bergvall

Director, John Robertson Architects



Programme Champions

Gardiner & Theobald LLP


Gardiner & Theobald,
10 South Crescent,
London, WC1E 7BD