Hear from the team behind the Gascoigne Estate, a regeneration scheme that places sustainability at the heart of its design ethos.
London’s developments have responded quickly to the growing concern of climate change. Maintaining a clear goal to produce sustainable communities and buildings is crucial if London is to fulfil its NetZero agenda. However, what materials are required to produce the most sustainable buildings? What design strategies need to be integrated into masterplans to mitigate their environmental impact?
This Project in Practice presentation will explore the regeneration of one of east London’s largest estates, the Gascoigne Estate and its transformation into a 15-minute sustainable neighbourhood. The redeveloped estate will see new housing set within a landscape-led masterplan to enable the neighbourhood to become largely car free and one of the greenest and most sustainable in the capital. At the heart of the development is a 1.25-acre park, connected to a network of smaller squares and green corridors, which promote walking, reinforce existing routes and engage residents through informal play and ‘edible’ landscapes. The scheme also includes community space and retail, commercial space.
With presentations from members of the design team including Barking & Dagenham council-owned regeneration company, Be First Regeneration, White Arkitekter and Civic Engineers, the session will cover various technical aspects of the project including;
- Wider placemaking strategy
- Use of nature based solutions
- Modern methods of construction / modular design and materials
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Speaker biographies
Jacob Willson
Head of Design, London Borough of Barking & Dagenham and Be First
Stephen O’Malley
Chief Executive, Civic
Lukas Thiel
Partner and Architect, White Arkitekter
Jessica Foster
Structural Engineer, Civic
Laura Collins
Project Director, Stanhope PLC