New London Architecture

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Retrofit Conference – upskilling the sector

Half-day conference

Wednesday 23 February 2022
08:30 - 12:30

This half-day conference will provide top-level updates surrounding the topic of retrofit.
Following COP26 and a drastic reset from the industry on how we prioritise the climate crisis, advocacy for retrofitting has been growing within the built environment sector. As designers, engineers and policy makers alike push for sustainable alternatives to reusing London’s existing building stock, key barriers and opportunities for retrofit begin to emerge. 
London sits within a critical position of having to deliver affordable housing, affordable workspace and updated infrastructure network, whilst simultaneously retrofitting an old stock to meet NetZero demands. However, as the sector begins grappling with an adoption of new methods and a series of new priorities, how will the built environment truly champion retro first? What support is needed from professionals at all Government levels, including local authorities to upskill the sector and how can this be incentivised across the industry? Where do the nuances lie between adaptation and building new? What more needs to be done to upskill the industry on technical retrofit methods? How can we demonstrate best practice and knowledge sharing to deliver successful retrofit schemes? 
This critical industry event will update on key technical opportunities and challenges of the retrofit agenda, offer key insights to upgrading building stock and provide thought leadership on innovative and sensitive approaches to retrofitting challenging sites. 

This content is only available to NLA members.

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Speaker biographies

Sue Riddlestone OBE

CEO & co-founder, Bioregional

Mark Tillett

Director, Heyne Tillett Steel

Shirley Rodrigues

Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy, London City

Peter Murray OBE

Co-Founder, NLA

Charles Begley

Executive Director, London Property Alliance

Marion Baeli

Partner, Studio PDP

John McRae

Director, Orms

Anne-Marie Fallon

Associate Director and Passivhaus Designer, Architype

Dominic Millen

Head of Climate Action and Sustainability, London Borough of Enfield

Thomas Lefevre

Sustainability Engineer, Etude

Conservation & Heritage


Net Zero


Symes Mews, 37a Camden High Street, NW1 7JE

Hosted by

Symes Mews Camden

NET ZERO Champions

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