New London Architecture

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(Re)wilding London


Thursday 31 October 2024
18:15 - 20:30

Exploring the need of a wilder urban ecology to support biodiversity, enhance liveability and meet environmental challenges.
In 2019, London was named the first ever National Park City, and with a tree cover of 22 per cent today, the city could be classified as a forest according to one United Nations definition. However, to meet the NetZero target and environmental challenges, we need to integrate nature into the urban fabric.
This event will delve into strategies and best practices for increasing blue and green infrastructure through public spaces, buildings, and rooftops. We will explore sustainable practices to boost urban planting, addressing challenges faced by roof gardens where plants and bees often fail due to environmental factors. The discussion will highlight the need for a wilder urban ecology to support biodiversity, provide essential ecosystem services, and enhance liveability.

This content is only available to NLA members.

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Speaker biographies

Vanessa Norwood

Curator and Consultant, Vanessa Norwood

Callum Mooney

Sustainability Consultant – Resilience Lead, Nature and Resilience Community, Hoare Lea

Natalia Roussou

Landscape Design Director, Senior Associate, HTA Design LLP

Francis Castro

Ecologist and Local Authority Officer, Greater London Authority

Gavin Miller

Director, MICA

Net Zero



The London Centre
3 Aldermanbury


There are 4 steps to the main entrance, with a level access entrance via the Guildhall West Wing approximately 200 feet away. There are toilets and accessible toilets via stairs or a lift to the lower ground floor. If you would like more information, or have any access requirements, please let us know what these are and how we can best accommodate these by emailing


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