New London Architecture

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Study Tour: Clapham Park


Thursday 28 November 2024
08:30 - 10:00

Join this study tour of Clapham Park to hear from Countryside, PRP Architects, and Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing on the plans for this multi-phase, regeneration joint venture project including the on-site energy centre.
Clapham Park will deliver over 2400 homes, of which 53% affordable, and a range of community facilities and public amenities including meanwhile commercial space, a community centre, market square, parks, play spaces and retail space.
The joint venture has made an upfront investment of £1million in placemaking and social value initiatives. Homes will have green and solar roofs with residents benefitting from extensive cycle parking, an on-site energy centre, electric vehicle charging and public realm enhancements including two parks. Residents also have a £1.6m fund to spend on community initiatives over the life of the project.
This tour requires PPE so please indicate your shoe size on the booking form.
Please note the capacity for this event is 20 and tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis with a maximum of 2 tickets per organisation.


Arrivals for registration and breakfast
Callum Monks, Associate Development Director, Countryside Partnerships
Lisa Johnston, Head of Regeneration, MTVH
Richard Harvey, Partner, PRP

Tour begins

Speaker biographies

Callum Monks

Associate Development Director, Countryside

Richard Harvey

Partner, PRP Architects

Meeting point

The meeting point will be shared with attendees ahead of the tour. 

In association with
