How do tall buildings integrate into the urban fabric and historical heritage?
The latest NLA Tall Building report, "London’s Growing Up," explores a decade of building tall in London, highlighting the significant transformation and future impact of tall buildings on the city's landscape. However, these questions aren't limited to London, as other UK cities are also debating the impact of tall buildings. In Manchester, tall buildings are rising all over the city, exemplified recently by a planning application for Europe's tallest residential building. How do tall buildings fit into historical heritage? And what is their impact on city skylines and urban fabric?
The event will discuss city-wide strategies, the typology and design of these buildings and the role they play in the urban fabric and their local environments ground floor. This event forms a part of the NLA City Dialogues programme, which brings together speakers and audiences to foster cross-city dialogue and learning between cities.
Speakers join via Zoom
Welcome from Chair
Sophie Goff, Head of Communications, NLA
Overview: Manchester v London
Tazeen Raza, Architecture Sector Lead, Vu.City
Case studies from Manchester
Katie Tonkinson, Partner and Head of Manchester studio, Hawkins\Brown
Southwark: tall building pipeline update
Colin Wilson, Head of Regeneration Old Kent Road, Southwark
Panel discussion
Speakers above, plus:
Tom Foxall, Regional Director for London and South East, Historic England
David Sparks, Head of Manchester Studio, EPR
Speaker biographies
Tom Foxall
Regional Director, Historic England
David Sparks
Board Director, Head of Manchester Studio, EPR Architects
Colin Wilson
Assistant Director for Strategic Development and Old Kent Road Regeneration, London Borough of Southwark
Katie Tonkinson
Partner, Hawkins\Brown Ltd
Tazeen Raza
Architecture Sector Lead, VU.CITY
Sophie Goff
Head of Communications, NLA