We are a business alliance working on behalf of over 500 businesses and 100 property owners in London’s West End.
Our mandate is to support the commercial wellbeing of our members, champion change and promote our destinations through compelling campaigns and valuable partnerships.
Harnessing the power of our businesses and working with our key stakeholders, our primary focuses include tackling homelessness on the streets of the West End, developing and implementing a long-term Area Strategy and responsibly enhancing our Evening and Night Time Economy offering.
We’re here to make a difference. We’re here to shape a world-class West End.
Heart of London Business Alliance proposes major improvements to reinvigorate the St Martin’s area, elevating its status as a core part of London’s West End.
Charing Cross Road has great potential to become a safer, more inclusive and accessible road in the Heart of London’s West End, with greener spaces and safer routes for cyclists.
The Arts Quarter is a vision for a new, world-class destination for arts and culture. A unique opportunity to transform the back-of-house streets in London's West End into a vibrant cultural hub.