As a Mayoral Development Corporation, the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation’s (OPDC) mission is to plan, create and deliver transformational changes across the Old Oak and Park Royal area, capitalising on the increased connectivity created by the arrival of the new High Speed 2 (HS2) station at Old Oak Common. Spanning the area where the London boroughs of Brent, Ealing and Hammersmith & Fulham meet, OPDC plans to bring forward thousands of new and affordable homes, jobs, shops, parks and amenities to create a place that is welcoming, accessible and prosperous.
OPDC works with our boroughs, residents, businesses, and partners – including national government bodies - to shape and accelerate the full regeneration potential created by the arrival of HS2’s Old Oak Common super hub. With unrivalled connectivity across London and the UK, Old Oak and Park Royal can become a thriving, inclusive and healthy new urban district, with huge benefits for current and new residents and businesses alike.
Drawing on its rich heritage at the heart of west London’s manufacturing and industry, Old Oak and Park Royal will become a renewed urban Community, where a thriving local economy supports a great place to work, visit and live. It will be an inclusive, accessible and diverse district, displaying the best practice in social and environmental design, and making a major contribution to London’s success as a global city.