New London Architecture

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A collaborative circular economy

Wednesday 04 October 2023

Julian Broster

Julian Broster

Co-Founding Director

Tessa Devreese

Tessa Devreese

Project Manager CIRCuIT

Daisy Narayanan MBE

Daisy Narayanan MBE

Director of Public Realm
The Crown Estate

Tuesday 17th October, 11:00 – 11:50

This year’s Design for Planet Festival presents a unique conversation between different cities in the UK, on how to collectively drive the shift towards a circular economy.

The session will be a collaborative discussion chaired by Emily Gabb, Head of Strategic Partnerships, NLA. We will hear from representatives of London, Manchester and Edinburgh including:
  • Tessa Devreese, Project Manager – CIRCuIT Programme, ReLondon 
  • Daisy Narayanan, MBE, Head of Placemaking and Mobility, City of Edinburgh Council 
  • Julian Broster, Chair of Net Zero New Buildings Task Group Manchester Climate Change Partnership (MCCP), Co-founder and Director Civic Engineers 
We will discuss designing in a waste-free and regenerative way. How can the built environment work towards a national and global circular call to action? Exploring initiatives that empower businesses of all sizes to drive innovation and embrace circular economy principles, what strategies exist to integrate circularity into products and services? 

How do we collectively enact a cultural change, through better collaboration amongst sector, cities, countries and people? 

Julian Broster

Julian Broster

Co-Founding Director

Tessa Devreese

Tessa Devreese

Project Manager CIRCuIT

Daisy Narayanan MBE

Daisy Narayanan MBE

Director of Public Realm
The Crown Estate

City Dialogues


Net Zero


Design for Planet Festival

Hosted by

Design Council


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Working towards Net Zero

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