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NLA Expert Panel: Planning

Monday 08 April 2024

Craig Tabb

Craig Tabb

Board Director
DP9 Ltd

The last cycle of the NLA Planning Expert Panel concluded with the Panel producing a white paper which contributed to the New London Agenda. The white paper focused on the following themes: the proper functioning of the planning system; embedding social value through all phases of planning and development processes; and effective community engagement in planning.
A refreshed Panel met on March 18, 2024, for the first meeting of this next cycle. We started with introductions and the welcoming of new members. We touched on the white paper and the New London Agenda. We then had a sector briefing by Carl Konadu and Azzees Minott of 2-3 Degrees, a social enterprise that aims to inspire and equip young people with the personal development skills needed to fulfil their potential.
The sector briefing looked at the work of 2-3 Degrees and included a run-through of several case studies, focusing on positive ways in which youth and young people have been involved in planning and the built environment. 2-3 Degrees provided their thoughts on key learnings. These highlighted the need to ensure that any initiatives avoid a tokenistic approach and treating young people as a must have, rather than a nice to have, in the planning engagement process.
A roundtable discussion then took place. This was able to draw from the learnings provided by 2-3 Degrees and sought to identify key topics that the Panel could focus on through the remainder of the year.
Key points / highlights from the roundtable discussion included:
  • The socio-economic background of communities, especially youth, is not typically given enough focus when considering engagement on development projects. 
  • It is important to consider how young people could directly play a role in the Panel’s work.
  • Diversity of the workforce will directly influence and lead to better places.
  • Query whether applicants are actually held to task over the nature and quality of engagement activity.
  • There is a need to better define what good, meaningful, valuable engagement is and how this sits as a requirement as part of policy and planning application decision-making.
  • Embedding engagement and the quality of engagement should possibly be considered mandatory requirements.
In the context of the above, and seen as crucial strands to ensure the New London Agenda is being implemented with diversity, social value and youth engagement at its core, the Panel will now form three sub-groups to explore the following (one topic per sub-group):
  • Effective engagement of young people in the planning process.
  • Promoting planning as an attractive and accessible career option for the young and people from a diverse range of backgrounds.
  • Embedding social value through the planning system.
Each sub-group has been set the task of undertaking a research piece through 2024 and presenting its findings at the end of the year. A short brief has been provided to Panel members in this respect and proposes that the research covers four key areas, for each of the above topics:
  • Review of existing publications and research.
  • Summaries of recent examples of good practice.
  • Identification of key challenges and gaps.
  • Preparation of three key recommendations for practice - those which the sub-group feels would have the most impact.
The above will be provided as a presentation at the end of the year, together with a 500-word summary of findings. These will then be compiled into ‘white paper’ format as a record of the Panel’s work.

Craig Tabb

Craig Tabb

Board Director
DP9 Ltd




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