New London Architecture

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2 Ruskin Square

Planning Granted

The second office building due to be constructed at Stanhope Schroders Ruskin Square development in East Croydon.

2 Ruskin Square is a ten storey office development which is the second office building to be delivered in Stanhope and Schroders masterplan in East Croydon. The building includes office and retail spaces, roof terraces and public realm areas. The project has ambitious environmental and social goals which are being collaboratively addressed with the future tenants.

Zero Carbon London

Zero Carbon London

→ Targeting BREEAM Excellent
→ EPC A, 40% improvement vs Part L
→ DfP Pioneer (NABERS UK) star rating
→ The building will be all electric

Ten-storey office development which is the second office building to be delivered in Stanhope and Schroders’ masterplan in East Croydon. The building includes office and retail spaces, roof terraces and public realm areas. The project has ambitious environmental and social goals which are being collaboratively addressed with the future tenants. The project seeks to minimise embodied carbon and resource use, is designed for adaptability and re-use and minimises operational energy use as a design for performance (NABERS UK) pioneer. Circular economy principles for adaptability and re-use are also integrated with the design. More widely biodiverse roofs, greywater harvesting and permeable landscaping further enhance the project’s environmental credentials.

Project information


Planning Granted




30000 sq m

Estimated completion

September 2023


Carolyn House, 22-26 Dingwall Rd, Croydon CR0 9XF, UK

Team Credits


Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

Structural Engineer


Cost Consultant

alinea consulting

M&E / Sustainability Engineer


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