Shortlisted in the MASTERPLANS AND AREA STRATEGIES category
The Aldgate Connect Business Improvement District (BID) engaged Gensler to develop a public realm vision and strategy for the wider Aldgate Area with concepts for pedestrian, streetscape and public realm enhancements working in close consultation with stakeholders.
Seeing huge investment in business and residential development has brought transformational change to the area. A joint-up approach to the ongoing open space improvements is crucial to ensure a high-quality environment that serves the diverse Aldgate community.
Central to the strategy is a detailed analysis of the issues and opportunities across Aldgate which enables a clear set of priorities for public realm improvement to be developed. Our design team focused on creating a more connected public realm, with a special focus on identified character areas. It was important for the team to ensure a real long-term positive impact on business and community, along with short-term interventions to realise the potential for change.