New London Architecture

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Lombard Square

Under Construction

Lombard Square is located on 17.7 acres of vacant former industrial land and will become a destination providing 1,913 homes, commercial spaces, a new 1.8 acre park and community gardens.

Situated on the site of disused industrial land, and once Arsenal FC's stadium, Lombard Square revitalises a 17-acre inaccessible brownfield site into a new thriving green community.
This pioneering scheme will on completion comprise 1,913 new homes and 47,000 sqft of industrial, community, commercial and workspace. It is addressing climate change head on in its delivery of modern, mixed-use regeneration by being one of the largest residential zero-carbon developments in the UK serviced by an Open Loop Ground Source Heat Pump system.
Following the approval of the masterplan planning consent in 2021, Berkeley’s proposals for Lombard Square were evolved to incorporate Ground Source Heat Pumps and improve the already exemplar sustainability credentials of the development.
The Open Loop Ground Source Heat Pump system utilises the site’s unique geological position through using submersible pumps to raise water from wells typically 100m – 150m deep. Heat is then exchanged with abstracted water before it is re-injected into the ground to provide over 90% of the annual heat demands of the homes.
For residents, this offers an affordable, reliable and low carbon heat solution for their homes. From a performance perspective, the introduction of the Ground Source Heat Pumps has reduced carbon emissions, over Part L of 2013 Building Regulations, applicable when the development received planning consent, by up to 74% when compared to an Air Source Heat Pump system. Whilst on newer phases, comparable to 2021 Building Regulations, the carbon emissions reduction is around 70 %. These savings have also enabled the number of energy centres previously required across the development be reduced from three to one.

I am incredibly proud to play a role in transforming a once derelict and complex brownfield site into one of the UK’s largest mixed-use, zero-carbon developments, serviced by an Open Loop Ground Source Heat Pump system. Despite the extremely challenging delivery environment, the successful implementation demonstrates our commitment to setting a benchmark for sustainability and innovation. This initiative provides residents with a low-carbon, affordable, and reliable heating solution. Alongside the scheme’s exceptional sustainability credentials, the delivery of 1,913 much needed homes and high quality public open space is a source of great pride. This is just the beginning, and I am excited to see how our community will benefit from the Ground Source Heat Pump, continue to grow and thrive in the years to come. Paul Prichard, Development Director, Berkeley Group

This project is featured as a case study in RePower London: Infrastructure for Growth. The report, exhibition, and accompanying online project directory examine the critical infrastructure needed to support London's growth and resilience. We explore the role of innovation, collaboration, and sustainable design in shaping the city's future, with a focus on ensuring that London remains fit-for-purpose, equitable, and competitive in the long term.

Project information


Under Construction






Hadden Road (Stop WR), London SE28 0BT, UK

Team Credits


Berkeley Group



Planning Consultant

Gerald Eve

Last updated on
