James Harris
Block N10 East Village is a 'mansion block' development of six number ten-storey buildings arranged around a central landscaped courtyard. N10 housed around 1,700 athletes during the 2012 Olympics.
Block N10, East Village designed by Eric Parry Architects housed around 1,700 athletes during the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. Following the Masterplan’s urban block form and established typologies, six ten-storey ‘mansion blocks’ enclose a generous raised landscaped podium garden. The podium covers the car parking without the need for basement excavation. The section has 31 triplex townhouses at the base facing the streets. These homes have their living rooms and gardens onto the central shared landscape. There is a mix of tenure across the buildings.
All the buildings have a consistent façade design, utilising high quality pre-cast concrete cladding. The precast concrete was carefully detailed with differentiated colour and surface treatments. The base has a darker concrete to the building and townhouse entrances. A strong sculptural string course runs around and forms the base to the projecting balconies. The elevations are articulated to the interiors with many rooms having two windows. The spaces between the buildings provide more sheltered private terraces. The top of the buildings is celebrated with gullwing roofs to the upper apartments and extensive green roofs as part of the urban greening strategy.
After ten years the block provides 281 homes close to the facilities of the East Village’s school and health centre. Whilst it was once isolated, for security during the games, the East Village is becoming more connected to the neighbouring areas, but still feels refreshing different as a model of European scaled blocks with a generosity of public space and a central park.
Eric Parry prepared the designs for the solid balustrades of the distinctive prefabricated balconies. His artwork was digitally transferred and printed in the stable vitreous enamel, so the colours are as bright today as they were when first enjoyed by the athletes back in 2012.
Project information
22149 sq m
Estimated completion
June 2017
11 Cheering Ln, East Village, London E20 1BB, UK
Team Credits
Structural Engineer
Services Engineer
Hilson Moran
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