New London Architecture

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Transport & Infrastructure

Supporting Green Infrastructure for Growth 

As London addresses the challenges of the climate crisis, there is a need for resilient and sustainable, place-based and people-centric, infrastructure systems that deliver sustainable growth for all.  

Infrastructure has always been key to London's development and regeneration. The NLA Transport & Infrastructure programme brings together professionals to explore solutions for creating integrated, green, and affordable infrastructure that supports the sustainable movement of people and goods, place-based climate resilience and urban growth across the capital. 



Active Travel: Safer streets for all


Active Travel: Safer streets for all

Watch back this year's Active Travel half-day conference exploring how the built environment industry is empowering Lond...

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RePower London: Infrastructure for growth


RePower London: Infrastructure for growth

London’s infrastructure is under pressure, limiting the city’s growth. As Labour embarks on its mission to 'rebuild Brit...

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Elizabeth Line: One year on


Elizabeth Line: One year on

Through presentations, case studies and panel discussion, this webinar explores the impact of the Elizabeth Line, the de...

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