New London Architecture

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Opportunity Hackney

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Rickardo Hyatt

Rickardo Hyatt

Group Director Climate, Homes and Economy
London Borough of Hackney

Rickardo Hyatt,  Director, Climate, Homes and Economy  at L B Hackney talks to Peter Murray about  investment opportunities in the borough as MIPIM kicks off in Cannes.

Rickardo Hyatt

Rickardo Hyatt

Group Director Climate, Homes and Economy
London Borough of Hackney


Demonstrator Districts in Global Cities


Demonstrator Districts in Global Cities

The roundtable discussion brought together London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney and the built environment community to e...

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Technical Briefing: Sustainable Office Fit Outs


Technical Briefing: Sustainable Office Fit Outs

Watch this technical webinar to learn more about how interiors can be adapted to meet the requirements for office spaces...

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At MIPIM with Cllr Claire Holland


At MIPIM with Cllr Claire Holland

NLA Director Benjamin O’Connor caught up with Cllr Claire Holland, Chair of London Councils about her time at MIPIM and...

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