New London Architecture

Reimagine London: A Symbiosis of Urbanity and Nature

Tuesday 06 August 2024

A collaboration between JRA & Hoare Lea for the 2024 London Festival of Architecture Studio Lates: ‘London: A Symbiosis of Urbanity and Nature’. 

The Studio Late was a video installation and biogenic materials exhibition that gave voice to our local communities and expert collaborators on reimagining London as a city where nature takes precedence. 

JRA and Hoare Lea invited designers, clients and the local community from all demographics to reimagine the city as we know it and think big when it comes to sustainability, materiality and innovation. Participants’ thought-provoking responses, drawings and designs formed the basis of the immersive video installation where briefs, budgets, and current reality were no object, and the only limit was the imagination.

JRA and Hoare Lea collaboration


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