New London Architecture

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Retrofit on the Strand

Monday 13 February 2023

Marion Baeli

Marion Baeli

Studio PDP

Marion Baeli, Partner of PDP London and member of the NLA Zero Carbon Expert Panel, gives a tour of the practice’s latest retrofit at Eighty Strand.

Marion Baeli

Marion Baeli

Studio PDP


Don't Move, Improve! 2025: Home of the Year


Don't Move, Improve! 2025: Home of the Year

Federico Ortiz of NLA sits down with Johan Hybschmann of Archmongers to discuss 'Elemental House', winner of the Don't M...

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The creative arts and architecture – A shift towards new demand patterns?


The creative arts and architecture – A shift towards new demand patterns?

NLA director, Benjamin O’Connor talks with SPPARC founder Trevor Morriss on the importance of designing for the creative...

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Crowd Pleasers: the placemaking power of sports and entertainment


Crowd Pleasers: the placemaking power of sports and entertainment

Watch this breakfast talk exploring how London’s entertainment and sports venues serve as anchors for placemaking and dr...

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