New London Architecture

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Alastair Moss

Chair of the Planning & Transportation Committee

City of London Corporation

Alastair Moss
Chair, Planning and Transportation Committee of the City of London Corporation 
Co-Head of Real Estate at Memery Crystal LLP 
Senior Consultant of Londinium PR
Non-Executive Director of Civitas Social Housing plc 
Trustee of Marshall’s Charity  
Previously an elected Member of Westminster City Council, principally as Chair, Planning & City Development Committee.

Latest contributions

The City banks on creating ‘world-class welcoming heart’

City of London

01 April 2021

The City banks on creating ‘world-class welcoming heart’

All change - The City of London has begun consultation on making more improvements to Bank Junction, creating a better pedestrian environment and ‘fitting setting’ for the iconic buildings at its cent...

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Alastair Moss