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Street space for London: the beginning of a new era?


Thursday 18 June 2020
09:00 - 10:00

The Mayor of London has launched ambitious new plans that will dramatically transform London’s streets
The Mayor of London has launched ambitious new plans that will dramatically transform London’s streets to accommodate new cycle lanes and space for walking. As lockdown restrictions are eased, public transport will face challenges to respond to social distancing rules while meeting demand. 
The plans will give a boost to active travel modes while discouraging the use of private cars as an alternative to public transport. 
The opening webinar of the NLA Active Travel Summit will focus on the new Street spaces for London plans, how the vision will be implemented in the short term and how areas of London will be dramatically transformed to make space for people walking and cycling.

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Active Travel Summit 2020

The NLA Active Travel Summit annual event this year is digital! We are hosting three webinars that will look at the short, medium and long term ambitions for London in a time of unprecedented transformation.

Street space for London: the beginning of a new era? 09:00-10:00
Smart mobility: how will we move around the capital? 13:30-14:30
Future streets in post-pandemic London #BuildBackBetter, Powered by Pecha Kucha 16:30-17:30

09:00   Welcome from Chair 
Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture (Chair)
09:05    Street space for London
Mel Cazzato, Lead Sponsor, Cycling, Investment Delivery Planning, Transport for London
09:15    Panel discussion  
Alastair Moss, Chair of the City of London Corporation’s Planning and Transportation Committee 
Brian Deegan, Principal Design Engineer, Urban Movement 
Sophie Thompson, Director, LDA Design 
Dr Ashok Sinha, Chief Executive, LCC 
09.45    Q&A
10:00    End

Speaker biographies

Brian Deegan

Director of Inspections, Active Travel England

Sophie Thompson

Director, LDA Design

Alastair Moss

Chair of the Planning & Transportation Committee, City of London Corporation

Dr Ashok Sinha

CEO, London Cycling Campaign

Melissa Cazzato

Lead Sponsor, Cycling, Investment Delivery Planning, Places for London

Peter Murray OBE

Co-Founder, NLA

Transport & Infrastructure


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