New London Architecture

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Andrew Jones

Senior Service Line Director - Planning and Consenting


Andrew Jones Expert panel member
Andrew is AECOM’s Cities Executive for London.  He is a  one of AECOM’s leading urban planners and masterplanners. A member of the RTPI, his work ranges from strategic visioning and urban strategies to urban regeneration, sports events, development planning and regional development. He has led teams for major regeneration projects, including the Olympic Park for London 2012 and the Post-Games Legacy; the regeneration of Old Oak Common and planning of Ebbsfleet.  An advocate of strategic planning of the London city region, Andrew has recently led a team establishing the rationale for new settlements and strategic urban growth in the Oxford Cambridge Arc for MHCLG and Homes England and is author of AECOM’s London 2065 and editor of London 2070; as well as a member of the UK2070 Commission which reviewed policy and spatial issues as part of the independent inquiry into city and regional inequalities in the UK. Andrew has also been involved with urban growth and city planning projects in the UK, Europe, Middle East and Brazil.

NLA Expert Panel member for the Planning programme #NLAPlanning

Latest contributions

London Design Capital: Viewpoints

City Dialogues

31 August 2021

London Design Capital: Viewpoints

Four contributors to our most recent report, London Design Capital, which launched in July 2021, reflect on London's position on the world stage at this uncertain time.

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Andrew Jones Expert panel member