New London Architecture

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Chris Laing

Architectural Designer and Founder

Deaf Architecture Front

Chris Laing
Chris Laing is an Architectural Designer, Activist, Consultant, and Founder of Signstrokes and Deaf Architecture Front (DAF), which launched at RIBA in 2023.

He is eager to facilitate engagement between the Deaf community and the spatial and architecture practice industry, hoping to see more opportunities for the field of architecture to benefit from the perspective of Deaf people in the near future.

He has been working at Haworth Tompkins since 2017, first as a Part I, and currently as a Part II Architectural Assistant.

Chris studied Architecture at Kingston University and Interior Architecture and Design at UCA. He completed his MA at the Royal College of Art for his Part II, where he was nominated for the Spatial Justice Award for his Thesis Project in 2021. His research interests include DeafSpace and building bridges between Deafness and Architecture.

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Chris Laing