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Michael Clarkson

Principal Policy Officer

City of Westminster

Michael Clarkson
Michael Clarkson is a Principal Policy Officer at Westminster City Council and is part of the team delivering the council’s new City Plan. He studied political science and town planning at the Universities of Birmingham and Manchester respectively. He is a chartered member of the Royal Town Planning Institute. Michael has been working at Westminster City Council for over two years, having previously worked at London-fringe local authorities in both Surrey and Kent. He currently leads on housing policy, but also offers technical professional advice on a wide range of planning and infrastructure policy areas, with interests including employment and retail, infrastructure and developer contributions, heritage, and transport.

NLA NextGen Sounding Board Member

Latest contributions

Borough Briefing: Westminster City Council

London Boroughs

20 May 2021

Borough Briefing: Westminster City Council

In this Borough Briefing Westminster updated us on its plans to reinvent the Oxford Street District to support recovery of the city and ensure its long term successful future.

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Michael Clarkson