New London Architecture

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Niklas Eriksson

Head of White ReCapture

White Arkitekter

Niklas Eriksson
Niklas Eriksson is a Sustainability Specialist and Head of ReCapture at White Arkitekter, one of the largest architectural firms in Scandinavia. Niklas has several years of experience working with digital sustainability and life cycle analysis. During the past year he has worked with business development developing White ReCapture which digitizes reuse of building components. How we through development and use of digital tools can help us meet our global climate challenges is something that is driving in his daily work.

Latest contributions

Harnessing digital tools for a low-carbon future

Urban Innovation

24 February 2021

Harnessing digital tools for a low-carbon future

Architects and engineers are developing in-house models to help in the crusade to create the next generation of zero carbon buildings. And representatives from four of the leading exponents presented...

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Digital tools for low carbon design

Urban Innovation

18 February 2021

Digital tools for low carbon design

What are the most accurate tools to measure and reduce carbon emissions in buildings? This webinar will present some of the most recent modelling tools developed in-house by London’s practices to be a...

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Niklas Eriksson