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Digital tools for low carbon design

Thursday 18 February 2021

Lucy Rees

Lucy Rees

Head of Insights and Systems Change
UK Green Building Council

Niklas Eriksson

Niklas Eriksson

Head of White ReCapture
White Arkitekter

Louise Hamot

Louise Hamot

Global Lead of Lifecycle Research
Introba UK

Antonia Vavanou

Antonia Vavanou

Sustainable Design Assistant
Hawkins\Brown Ltd

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Calculating the carbon emissions of a building at design stage is a complex process, especially when it comes to measure embodied carbon. Recent innovation in technology and modelling tools are making this task much easier and more reliable. What are some of the most innovative and recently developed carbon reduction tools that can be applied to create better, low-carbon design solutions?
In this webinar we hear about some of the most recent carbon modelling tools developed in house by London’s practices and how this technology is being applied to building design.
The NLA Urban Innovation programme brings together the tech and built environment sector connecting innovators, tech specialists and urban practitioners to discuss how emerging technologies and practices could solve key urban problems. As well as examining the impact of technologies on London, this programme champions the role of the capital as an incubator for technological innovation in property, design and city making.


00:00   Welcome from Chair 
              Lucy Rees, Sustainability Advisor, UKGBC

Lucy welcomes everyone to the Webinar and describes what UKGBC does, and explains why the drive to NetZero is so important.
02:20   White ReCapture
             Niklas Eriksson, head of White ReCapture, White Arkitekter

White Arkitekter’s new service, White ReCapture, makes it possible to assess the potential of reuse in a building in a time and cost-effective way. This is achieved using a combination of 3D laser scanning and expertise through which an inventory of materials is undertaken and digitised. The digital model provides information on which materials and parts can be used in new production as well as in rebuilding projects. The ReCapture service enables the reuse of all non-hazardous structures, materials and products to support architectural ambition and wellbeing as well as a becoming a resource for an efficient and economic building process. 
10:29   Carbon.AKT    
            Marta Galinanes Garcia, Design Director, AKT II 

Carbon.AKT is a dynamic tool that informs design decisions right from the start of a project, to assure a successful outcome. This bespoke parametric collaborative software has been developed in-house by AKT II’s software engineers to provide a granular analysis of carbon use. Schemes are separated into three primary embodied carbon contributors: substructure, superstructure and façade. The tool assists the making of quantitative decisions from the start, sketch design, through to the end, detailed design.
26:24   Embodied Carbon in MEP design
             Louise Hamot, Global Lead of Lifecycle Research, Elementa

Toolkit that looks into how we could assess the true carbon impact of MEP design. Collectively, we established a method based on extracting data from BIM models used to create a link to an embodied carbon dataset. Using very detailed Revit models and dynamo scripting as a way to extract the right information, this method allows us to generate accurate bill of quantities. The results give us a potential range of embodied carbon emissions per project.
39:27   H\B:ERT
Antonia Vavanou, Sustainable Design Assistant, Hawkins\Brown

The Hawkins\Brown: Emission Reduction Tool (H\B:ERT) is a Revit-based tool that enables design teams to quickly analyse and visualise the embodied carbon emissions of building components and construction material options at any time during the design process. The tool’s data aligns with both RICS and RIBA guidance and currently uses the Circular Ecology ICE database.
49:00   Q&A

Lucy Rees

Lucy Rees

Head of Insights and Systems Change
UK Green Building Council

Niklas Eriksson

Niklas Eriksson

Head of White ReCapture
White Arkitekter

Louise Hamot

Louise Hamot

Global Lead of Lifecycle Research
Introba UK

Antonia Vavanou

Antonia Vavanou

Sustainable Design Assistant
Hawkins\Brown Ltd

Urban Innovation


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