New London Architecture

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Peter Heath

Design Director

Atkins Ltd

Peter Heath Expert panel member
Peter Heath, Atkins Public Realm Design Director, although an architect and town planner, not a transport planner, has identified the importance of transforming public highways throughout a 25 career. At the start of the pandemic, he was invited to join a team contributing design guidance and ideas to aid social distancing and related means of optimising a better balance of space allocation between vehicles and walking in urban areas, parks and gardens. His past experience on delivered landmark London projects, such as in Covent Garden and Seven Dials, the World Squares For All Masterplan and its 3 phases of implementation from Trafalgar Square southwards and the need to integrate crowded place security measures, with public realm improvements, has helped and expanded the design scope of future London initiatives. The challenges post pandemic remain across the route networks and the fabric of much of historic urban London. Raised priority has been recognised for more increases in quality open space, for safe use, health and well-being, better air quality, sustainable drainage and solutions to flood risks. Trials of E-Scooters and Bikes, together with cycling are also in a race for limited space which has seen the growth of on-street equipment and hubs, for electric vehicle, residential, commercial and ever more rapid charging needs. Home to office travel and working, balance has changed, but now highlights the limitations of the growth of reliable digital infrastructure, again a competitor in the allocation of public highways spaces as places, at ground level, below and above.

NLA Expert Panel member for the Transport and Infrastructure programme #NLATransport

Latest contributions

Active Travel Summit

Transport & Infrastructure

05 August 2021

Active Travel Summit

The Active Travel Summit 2021 reflected on what the pandemic means for the way we move around the city and the transformation of London.

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Active Travel Summit 2021


Active Travel Summit 2021

04 August 2021

Webinar: 15 Years of public realm

Changing face of London

10 November 2020

Webinar: 15 Years of public realm

This webinar brought experts together to discuss the evolution of public realm during this exceptional period.

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Peter Heath Expert panel member