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Digitisation of Planning: for better community engagement


Friday 22 July 2022
10:00 - 11:00

How can the development of digital engagement tools better engage communities with the planning process?
Historically, the planning process is confusing and difficult to navigate for people outside of the architecture sphere. To help democratise the planning system and give local communities the opportunity to influence their local developments, the Government department for Levelling Up Housing & Communities financially backed the development of 13 pilot schemes across the UK in September 2021. What have been the challenges and successes of these first trials? What is the feedback from the local communities involved?
In March 2022, a new budget of £3.25 million from the Proptech Engagement Fund was allocated to financially support the development of 28 pilot projects across the UK, with five London boroughs. These pilots, which will run until September 2022, include interactive 3D maps and virtual reality.
We will hear from councils, tech developers and communities who have both been engaging with and developing these digitisation initiatives. With the first round of the scheme set to have completed in March 2022 how have these pilot projects been received by the local communities and what are the key learnings?

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Speaker biographies

Max Camplin

Board Director, Cavendish

Piers Mulroney

Head of Commercial Partnerships & Policy (UK&I), VU.CITY

Blanka Hay

Local Growth Manager (Policy and Strategy), Richmond and Wandworth Councils

Grace Crannis

Senior Planning Engagement Officer, Richmond and Wandsworth Councils

Jessica Marston

Community Street Design Engagement Manager, London Borough of Lambeth

Angela Koch

Founder Director, ImaginePlaces

Bridget Wilkins

Head of Digital Citizen Engagement, Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities



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